Beautiful People is a high-end designer brand that believes “Everything is beautiful.” We blur the line between ordinary and extraordinary. Every season, we find beauty in a combination of contradictions, such as inside/outside, kids/adults, male/female, front/back. beautiful people’s iconic product line “KIDS SERIES” was born – “Children’s clothing for adults” by using children’s cutting and sizing techniques.
Owner and creative director Hidenori Kumakiri perfected his craftsmanship as a patterner at Comme des Garçons Homme for 6 years. Then he launched beautiful people in the autumn of 2007.
创始人兼创意总监熊切秀典凭借在 Comme des Garçons 6年的版师经验,在时尚界崭露头角,创立了高端设计师品牌 beautiful people。beautiful people从面料的原创开发,革新性的版型设计,到精巧的缝制细节,处处凸显了匠意的生命力。品牌设计思路天马行空,忘却尺寸、性别、面料、图案、色彩这些约定俗成的规定,创造出一个新的标准,激发出每个人内心所追求的美。