IVY OAK dresses up the modern, responsible, and authentic woman. By envisioning advanced contemporary fashion, the brand endorses a holistic approach that resonates with timeless value, ensuring a legacy that appeals to present and future generations.

Each collection embodies inspiration, defined by signature handwriting, refined fabrics, and exquisite attention to detail.

IVY OAK是一家总部位于柏林的高级时尚品牌,由Caroline Gentz于2016年创立。该品牌系列以独特的风格、优质面料的选择和对细节的关注而闻名。品牌的真正使命是颠覆时尚产业,努力推动更多意识的选择,为当今社会和未来的变革打造有意义且持久的衣橱。我们不仅拥抱时尚,跨越负责任的行为、透明的沟通,努力的变革。 IVY OAK以补充世界、生活跟随挑战社会的角度,不断接纳、改变、重新学习和转变。